
Best-in-class library preparation for NGS, streamlined, easy-to-use workflows, hassle-free

NuGEN Technologies, Inc., based in CA, USA, a part of the Tecan Group, provides leading edge, the easiest, the fastest NGS library preparation kits for a broad range of sample types including DNA and RNA from whole tissues, FFPE samples, single cells and liquid biopsies in the market, based on their core technology:

- Single Primer Enrichment Technology (SPET) for DNA: Directly enrich regions of DNA for targeted re-sequencing, SNP (SNV) detection, CNV analysis, viral detection, and more.

Single Primer Enrichment Technology (SPET) for RNA: Directly enrich cDNA targets for gene fusion detection and discovery.

- Single Primer Isothermal Amplification (SPIA): Robust cDNA amplification for multiple workflows.

- AnyDeplete: Stranded RNA-Seq library preparation with targeted transcript depletion.

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